The Educator Diversity Playbook
5 Steps Every New York School District Can Take to Improve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Educator Diversity Playbook
5 Steps Every New York School District Can Take to Improve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Across New York State and around the country, increasing the diversity of the educator workforce is attracting attention and gaining momentum.
There are important reasons for this emerging focus in policy and practice. Research underscores the value of educator diversity for all groups of students, and studies indicate that for students of color, having a teacher of color during their educational experience can have a positive impact on improving student performance in reading and math, increasing the likelihood that Black students are identified as gifted, reducing suspension rates, decreasing dropout rates, and improving students’ hopes of attending college.1
At the same time, we also know that New York has a long way to go to ensure that all students have access to strong and diverse educators.
According to data released by The Education Trust–New York, one-third of all New York schools had no Black or Latino teachers in the 2015-16 school year. As a result, more than 115,000 Latino and Black students were enrolled in schools without a single full-time same-race/ethnicity teacher, and nearly half of the state’s White students attended schools without a single full-time Latino or Black teacher.2
Yet there are also bright spots across the state—school districts working hard to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for educators and students alike. These examples remind us that in addition to seeking state-level policy changes and investments to support a more diverse educator workforce, there are powerful and practical steps that individual school districts and district leaders can take right now in their local communities.
This Educator Diversity Playbook is designed as a tool for school district leaders who are interested in improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in their schools and central offices. The Playbook focuses on five steps that school districts can take:
- Encourage school boards to signal and embrace the importance of teacher and school leader diversity.
- Collect and use data to examine school district recruitment, interview, and hiring practices.
- Question and change recruitment practices to identify additional qualified applicants of color.
- Improve the working environment for educators of color.
- Invest in mentorship and career ladders for current and aspiring teacher, school, and district leaders.
For each of these steps, the Playbook briefly cites the research, offers a district policy checklist, recommends indicators to track, and describes examples of New York school districts that are taking on this important work.
Across New York State and around the country, increasing the diversity of the educator workforce is attracting attention and gaining momentum.
There are important reasons for this emerging focus in policy and practice. Research underscores the value of educator diversity for all groups of students, and studies indicate that for students of color, having a teacher of color during their educational experience can have a positive impact on improving student performance in reading and math, increasing the likelihood that Black students are identified as gifted, reducing suspension rates, decreasing dropout rates, and improving students’ hopes of attending college.1
At the same time, we also know that New York has a long way to go to ensure that all students have access to strong and diverse educators.
According to data released by The Education Trust–New York, one-third of all New York schools had no Black or Latino teachers in the 2015-16 school year. As a result, more than 115,000 Latino and Black students were enrolled in schools without a single full-time same-race/ethnicity teacher, and nearly half of the state’s White students attended schools without a single full-time Latino or Black teacher.2
Yet there are also bright spots across the state—school districts working hard to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for educators and students alike. These examples remind us that in addition to seeking state-level policy changes and investments to support a more diverse educator workforce, there are powerful and practical steps that individual school districts and district leaders can take right now in their local communities.
This Educator Diversity Playbook is designed as a tool for school district leaders who are interested in improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in their schools and central offices. The Playbook focuses on five steps that school districts can take:
- Encourage school boards to signal and embrace the importance of teacher and school leader diversity.
- Collect and use data to examine school district recruitment, interview, and hiring practices.
- Question and change recruitment practices to identify additional qualified applicants of color.
- Improve the working environment for educators of color.
- Invest in mentorship and career ladders for current and aspiring teacher, school, and district leaders.
For each of these steps, the Playbook briefly cites the research, offers a district policy checklist, recommends indicators to track, and describes examples of New York school districts that are taking on this important work.
Step 1
Encourage School Boards to Signal and Embrace the Importance of Teacher and School Leader Diversity
Organizations that successfully embody diversity, equity, and inclusion demonstrate these values at all levels, beginning with their governance bodies. School boards have a vital role to play in establishing diverse environments and making clear to district and school leaders that a strong and diverse workforce is a priority.
What the Research Says
Research shows that educator diversity is associated with better student outcomes.3 There is also extensive research from outside the education sector finding that diversity is important to organizational performance and that the role of leadership in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion as an organizational priority is essential. According to a study from the consulting firm McKinsey & Company: “Companies in the top quartile of racial/ ethnic diversity were 35% more likely to have financial returns above their national industry median…. For example, in the [United States] there continues to be a linear relationship between ethnic/ racial diversity and better financial performance.”4 B-Lab—a national non-profit organization—emphasizes that diversity and inclusion “policies, programs, and practices require aligned, committed, and engaged leadership in order to signal the importance of the work to all employees and to make a meaningful impact on company culture and the workplace.”5
The Playbook: District Policy Checklist
- Adopt a board resolution making the district’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion explicit and describing how the district will pursue these goals in the short- and long-term.
- Include diversity, equity, and inclusion in the school board’s mission and vision statement. See: Addressing “institutional roadblocks” at Valley Stream 30.
- Establish clear and specific performance goals for district leadership that reflect educator diversity, including but not limited to issues such as recruitment, hiring, support, and retention.
- Call on district leadership to create and present a strategic plan for diversity, equity, and inclusion, with specific activities, timelines, and measurable goals.6 See: Educator diversity is in Ithaca’s strategic plan.
Indicators to Track
- Number of school board meetings per year where specific goals and strategies to improve teacher and school leader diversity are on the public agenda and are discussed. See: In Schenectady, “You don’t get to work here and not be an activist.”
- Funding in the district budget for specific investments that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (e.g., professional development on implicit bias, “grow your own” initiatives, quality induction and mentorship programs).
- Number of educators of color interviewed, hired, retained, supported, and promoted.
Step 1
Encourage School Boards to Signal and Embrace the Importance of Teacher and School Leader Diversity
Organizations that successfully embody diversity, equity, and inclusion demonstrate these values at all levels, beginning with their governance bodies. School boards have a vital role to play in establishing diverse environments and making clear to district and school leaders that a strong and diverse workforce is a priority.
What the Research Says
Research shows that educator diversity is associated with better student outcomes.3 There is also extensive research from outside the education sector finding that diversity is important to organizational performance and that the role of leadership in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion as an organizational priority is essential. According to a study from the consulting firm McKinsey & Company: “Companies in the top quartile of racial/ ethnic diversity were 35% more likely to have financial returns above their national industry median…. For example, in the [United States] there continues to be a linear relationship between ethnic/ racial diversity and better financial performance.”4 B-Lab—a national non-profit organization—emphasizes that diversity and inclusion “policies, programs, and practices require aligned, committed, and engaged leadership in order to signal the importance of the work to all employees and to make a meaningful impact on company culture and the workplace.”5
The Playbook: District Policy Checklist
- Adopt a board resolution making the district’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion explicit and describing how the district will pursue these goals in the short- and long-term.
- Include diversity, equity, and inclusion in the school board’s mission and vision statement. See: Addressing “institutional roadblocks” at Valley Stream 30.
- Establish clear and specific performance goals for district leadership that reflect educator diversity, including but not limited to issues such as recruitment, hiring, support, and retention.
- Call on district leadership to create and present a strategic plan for diversity, equity, and inclusion, with specific activities, timelines, and measurable goals.6 See: Educator diversity is in Ithaca’s strategic plan.
Indicators to Track
- Number of school board meetings per year where specific goals and strategies to improve teacher and school leader diversity are on the public agenda and are discussed. See: In Schenectady, “You don’t get to work here and not be an activist.”
- Funding in the district budget for specific investments that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (e.g., professional development on implicit bias, “grow your own” initiatives, quality induction and mentorship programs).
- Number of educators of color interviewed, hired, retained, supported, and promoted.
Step 2
Collect and Use Data to Examine School District Recruitment, Interview, and Hiring Practices
An essential step in improving teacher and school leader diversity at the school district level is to understand where the pipeline is working and where it is not. This begins with data systems that provide disaggregated data for every step of the process. Then, schools and school districts must regularly examine the data to identify areas where the diversity pipeline breaks down and change their processes to address these issues.
What the Research Says
A central finding in new research on the education sector by Promise54—a nonprofit that partners with organizations to cultivate and maintain healthy, equitable, and inclusive environments— is that “data gaps at the field and organizational levels inhibit progress.” The authors noted that education-related organizations “are not collecting many sources of diversity, equity, and inclusion data beyond candidate and staff race/ethnicity. Across the field, nothing is collected systematically, not even demographics, making it difficult to measure progress on diversity, equity, and inclusion or talent practices more generally.7 As a Harvard Business Review article explains: “Data and deadlines are also imperative to making diversity initiatives work…. Indeed, research has shown that setting and following through on diversity goals is the most effective method for increasing underrepresentation of women and minorities.”8
The Playbook: District Policy Checklist
- Track and report robust disaggregated human capital data—including who submits applications, is invited for an initial interview, proceeds to subsequent interview rounds, receives a job offer, is hired by the school district, and is successfully retained over multiple years. See: In Plainview-Old Bethpage, “I have to prepare my students to live in a diverse world.”
- Establish quantitative targets with date-specific benchmarks to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion at each step of the recruitment, hiring, and retention pipeline.
Indicators to Track
- Progress towards achieving quantitative targets in recruitment, hiring, and retention.
- Regular meetings convened by the superintendent with the district leadership team that use the data to evaluate district policies, measure progress on targets, and revise district policies and processes as needed.
- Quarterly updates presented to the school board at a public meeting on the data and progress towards targets.
Step 2
Collect and Use Data to Examine School District Recruitment, Interview, and Hiring Practices
An essential step in improving teacher and school leader diversity at the school district level is to understand where the pipeline is working and where it is not. This begins with data systems that provide disaggregated data for every step of the process. Then, schools and school districts must regularly examine the data to identify areas where the diversity pipeline breaks down and change their processes to address these issues.
What the Research Says
A central finding in new research on the education sector by Promise54—a nonprofit that partners with organizations to cultivate and maintain healthy, equitable, and inclusive environments— is that “data gaps at the field and organizational levels inhibit progress.” The authors noted that education-related organizations “are not collecting many sources of diversity, equity, and inclusion data beyond candidate and staff race/ethnicity. Across the field, nothing is collected systematically, not even demographics, making it difficult to measure progress on diversity, equity, and inclusion or talent practices more generally.7 As a Harvard Business Review article explains: “Data and deadlines are also imperative to making diversity initiatives work…. Indeed, research has shown that setting and following through on diversity goals is the most effective method for increasing underrepresentation of women and minorities.”8
The Playbook: District Policy Checklist
- Track and report robust disaggregated human capital data—including who submits applications, is invited for an initial interview, proceeds to subsequent interview rounds, receives a job offer, is hired by the school district, and is successfully retained over multiple years. See: In Plainview-Old Bethpage, “I have to prepare my students to live in a diverse world.”
- Establish quantitative targets with date-specific benchmarks to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion at each step of the recruitment, hiring, and retention pipeline.
Indicators to Track
- Progress towards achieving quantitative targets in recruitment, hiring, and retention.
- Regular meetings convened by the superintendent with the district leadership team that use the data to evaluate district policies, measure progress on targets, and revise district policies and processes as needed.
- Quarterly updates presented to the school board at a public meeting on the data and progress towards targets.
Step 3
Question and Change Recruitment Practices to Identify Additional Qualified Applicants of Color
If school districts continue to look to the same pools of candidates, informal networks, and teacher preparation programs, they are unlikely to expand the pool of job applicants to include significantly more Latino and Black educators. Taking an intentional look at recruitment is essential—but it is also not sufficient. In addition, school districts must also address systemic barriers to employment for people of color.
What the Research Says
An analysis by the Center for American Progress found that “school districts’ recruitment strategies are hyperlocal, untargeted, or nonexistent,” and that their “application and selection processes often emphasize static application materials—such as written applications, resumes, and proof of certifications—over performance-based measures.”9 Likewise, a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper exploring the root causes of a Louisiana school district’s failure to achieve a diverse workforce emphasized the role of the district’s human capital system, noting that “a majority of recently hired teachers heard about the job opening for which they were eventually hired by word of mouth rather than an official job posting. The hiring process often occurred quickly, with only a limited number of candidates being interviewed.”10 Looking beyond the recruitment process—and consistent with broader national bias in hiring across sectors in the American workforce—a study published in the Harvard Educational Review examined hiring practices in a large school district and found that “a Black applicant would be half as likely to receive a job offer as a White candidate with identical qualifications.”11
The Playbook: District Policy Checklist
- Actively engage teacher preparation programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanicserving institutions (HSIs), and other institutions that serve prospective educators of color for strategic recruitment of graduating students and alumni.12 See: Buffalo Public Schools strengthens its educator pipelines.
- Advertise job openings widely, specifically including outreach to professional networks serving educators of color.
- Include educators of color in candidate screening, interview, and promotion committees. See: “This is where the rubber meets the road” in Valley Stream 13.
- Provide relocation incentives as part of a compensation package to attract teacher candidates.
- Require all personnel involved in hiring to receive training in implicit bias and cultural competence. See: Newburgh is embedding diversity in the hiring process.
- Implement strategies such as “name-blind” recruitment (where those responsible for hiring do not see personally identifiable information that can reveal race/ ethnicity and other factors until after they decide whether to grant a candidate an interview) and greater reliance on performance tasks instead of resumes.
- Create and fund “grow your own” pathways in partnership with higher education programs, specifically focusing on preparing current students, paraprofessionals, and after-school staff to teach. See: At East High School EPO in Rochester, “Growing Your Own” starts in middle school.
Indicators to Track
- Number of educators of color interviewed, hired, and promoted.
Step 3
Question and Change Recruitment Practices to Identify Additional Qualified Applicants of Color
If school districts continue to look to the same pools of candidates, informal networks, and teacher preparation programs, they are unlikely to expand the pool of job applicants to include significantly more Latino and Black educators. Taking an intentional look at recruitment is essential—but it is also not sufficient. In addition, school districts must also address systemic barriers to employment for people of color.
What the Research Says
An analysis by the Center for American Progress found that “school districts’ recruitment strategies are hyperlocal, untargeted, or nonexistent,” and that their “application and selection processes often emphasize static application materials—such as written applications, resumes, and proof of certifications—over performance-based measures.”9 Likewise, a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper exploring the root causes of a Louisiana school district’s failure to achieve a diverse workforce emphasized the role of the district’s human capital system, noting that “a majority of recently hired teachers heard about the job opening for which they were eventually hired by word of mouth rather than an official job posting. The hiring process often occurred quickly, with only a limited number of candidates being interviewed.”10 Looking beyond the recruitment process—and consistent with broader national bias in hiring across sectors in the American workforce—a study published in the Harvard Educational Review examined hiring practices in a large school district and found that “a Black applicant would be half as likely to receive a job offer as a White candidate with identical qualifications.”11
The Playbook: District Policy Checklist
- Actively engage teacher preparation programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanicserving institutions (HSIs), and other institutions that serve prospective educators of color for strategic recruitment of graduating students and alumni.12 See: Buffalo Public Schools strengthens its educator pipelines.
- Advertise job openings widely, specifically including outreach to professional networks serving educators of color.
- Include educators of color in candidate screening, interview, and promotion committees. See: “This is where the rubber meets the road” in Valley Stream 13.
- Provide relocation incentives as part of a compensation package to attract teacher candidates.
- Require all personnel involved in hiring to receive training in implicit bias and cultural competence. See: Newburgh is embedding diversity in the hiring process.
- Implement strategies such as “name-blind” recruitment (where those responsible for hiring do not see personally identifiable information that can reveal race/ ethnicity and other factors until after they decide whether to grant a candidate an interview) and greater reliance on performance tasks instead of resumes.
- Create and fund “grow your own” pathways in partnership with higher education programs, specifically focusing on preparing current students, paraprofessionals, and after-school staff to teach. See: At East High School EPO in Rochester, “Growing Your Own” starts in middle school.
Indicators to Track
- Number of educators of color interviewed, hired, and promoted.
Step 4
Improve the Working Environment for Educators of Color
School districts should implement more equitable and inclusive environments that recognize the important contributions of educators of color and provide them with the professional development they need. In addition, teachers of color are disproportionately likely to work in schools with less resources and where there may be longstanding cultures of lower expectations for students. School districts should address these systemic issues, including by examining their approaches to assigning teachers.
What the Research Says
National data indicate that Latino and Black teachers leave the field at higher rates than their White colleagues.13 As our colleagues at The Education Trust have noted: “They leave because of working conditions…. The bottom line is that across the nation teachers of color are placed in schools that are more likely to have less desirable working conditions. And this impacts their desire and willingness to stay.”14
The Playbook: District Policy Checklist
- Make the school environment more equitable and inclusive by valuing the unique experiences and voices of educators of color and ensuring that educators of color see the school as a place where they are safe, welcome, and belong.15 See: For Shenendehowa, a defining component of the district and Working “one conversation at a time” at Eastern Suffolk BOCES.
- Conduct staff experience surveys, disaggregating the results by race and ethnicity, and use the outcomes to improve policies and programs (while protecting individual privacy).16
- Provide financial compensation, time during the workday, and/ or promotional opportunities for additional work and responsibilities that many teachers of color are often asked to take on outside the classroom (e.g., Latino teachers are often asked to serve as translators).
- Change practices that result in teachers of color—especially new teachers—being disproportionately assigned to work in schools with less resources and the greatest student needs.
- Set teachers up for success in the classroom by providing early career development opportunities.
Indicators to Track
- Retention rates for educators of color.
- Improvement and high levels of satisfaction on staff experience surveys.
Step 4
Improve the Working Environment for Educators of Color
School districts should implement more equitable and inclusive environments that recognize the important contributions of educators of color and provide them with the professional development they need. In addition, teachers of color are disproportionately likely to work in schools with less resources and where there may be longstanding cultures of lower expectations for students. School districts should address these systemic issues, including by examining their approaches to assigning teachers.
What the Research Says
National data indicate that Latino and Black teachers leave the field at higher rates than their White colleagues.13 As our colleagues at The Education Trust have noted: “They leave because of working conditions…. The bottom line is that across the nation teachers of color are placed in schools that are more likely to have less desirable working conditions. And this impacts their desire and willingness to stay.”14
The Playbook: District Policy Checklist
- Make the school environment more equitable and inclusive by valuing the unique experiences and voices of educators of color and ensuring that educators of color see the school as a place where they are safe, welcome, and belong.15 See: For Shenendehowa, a defining component of the district and Working “one conversation at a time” at Eastern Suffolk BOCES.
- Conduct staff experience surveys, disaggregating the results by race and ethnicity, and use the outcomes to improve policies and programs (while protecting individual privacy).16
- Provide financial compensation, time during the workday, and/ or promotional opportunities for additional work and responsibilities that many teachers of color are often asked to take on outside the classroom (e.g., Latino teachers are often asked to serve as translators).
- Change practices that result in teachers of color—especially new teachers—being disproportionately assigned to work in schools with less resources and the greatest student needs.
- Set teachers up for success in the classroom by providing early career development opportunities.
Indicators to Track
- Retention rates for educators of color.
- Improvement and high levels of satisfaction on staff experience surveys.
Step 5
Invest in Mentorship and Career Ladders for Current and Aspiring Teacher, School, and District Leaders
School districts should implement robust mentorship programs that specifically respond to the professional needs of educators of color. In addition, establishing meaningful career ladder opportunities that support teachers who wish to remain in the classroom or work to support other teachers—and the professional and financial advancement that career ladders represent—is crucial for educator retention and for improving student outcomes.
What the Research Says
Educators of color report that colleagues and administrators often turn to them exclusively as disciplinary enforcers, as opposed to educators with a robust skill-set including academics.17 One important study on the experience of Black male teachers in an urban school system examined the experience “Groupers” (those who worked in “schools with four or more Black male teachers on the faculty”) and “Loners” (those who worked in “schools with one Black male teacher on the faculty.”) According to the study: “Compared with Groupers, Loners believed that teachers of color had fewer opportunities to influence school policy. Moreover, Loners, when compared with Groupers, also suggested that their White colleagues were more able to influence school policies than they were. Such differences may account for racial preferences by school administrators when selecting teacher leaders. Finally, Loners were more likely to perceive that persons in the organization were afraid of them because of their race. Given that these respondents were the only Black men on the faculty, it may well be the case that their colleagues did not know how to interact with them.”18 New social network research on the experience of educators of color in mid-sized school districts also emphasized that “the organization’s culture and climate likely play a significant role in determining how much staff members interact across racial/ethnic (and other) lines.” This has important implications for the professional experience of educators of color, especially in schools where they face near or total racial/ethnic isolation.19
The Playbook: District Policy Checklist
- Implement a cohort approach to hiring and assignment to reduce professional isolation for educators of color, creating cross-school networks where necessary.
- Invest in mentorship and career ladders for current and aspiring teachers and school and district leaders. See: Thanks to NYC Men Teach, “I can clearly see longevity in the career.”
- Create support networks for educators of color that provide mentorship, camaraderie, and professional development opportunities.
- Diversify formal and informal leadership opportunities, including but not limited to district advisory committees, opportunities to teach advanced courses, and opportunities to mentor new teachers.
Indicators to Track
- Retention rates for educators of color.
- Promotion rates for educators of color.
- Improvement and high levels of satisfaction on staff experience surveys.
Step 5
Invest in Mentorship and Career Ladders for Current and Aspiring Teacher, School, and District Leaders
School districts should implement robust mentorship programs that specifically respond to the professional needs of educators of color. In addition, establishing meaningful career ladder opportunities that support teachers who wish to remain in the classroom or work to support other teachers—and the professional and financial advancement that career ladders represent—is crucial for educator retention and for improving student outcomes.
What the Research Says
Educators of color report that colleagues and administrators often turn to them exclusively as disciplinary enforcers, as opposed to educators with a robust skill-set including academics.17 One important study on the experience of Black male teachers in an urban school system examined the experience “Groupers” (those who worked in “schools with four or more Black male teachers on the faculty”) and “Loners” (those who worked in “schools with one Black male teacher on the faculty.”) According to the study: “Compared with Groupers, Loners believed that teachers of color had fewer opportunities to influence school policy. Moreover, Loners, when compared with Groupers, also suggested that their White colleagues were more able to influence school policies than they were. Such differences may account for racial preferences by school administrators when selecting teacher leaders. Finally, Loners were more likely to perceive that persons in the organization were afraid of them because of their race. Given that these respondents were the only Black men on the faculty, it may well be the case that their colleagues did not know how to interact with them.”18 New social network research on the experience of educators of color in mid-sized school districts also emphasized that “the organization’s culture and climate likely play a significant role in determining how much staff members interact across racial/ethnic (and other) lines.” This has important implications for the professional experience of educators of color, especially in schools where they face near or total racial/ethnic isolation.19
The Playbook: District Policy Checklist
- Implement a cohort approach to hiring and assignment to reduce professional isolation for educators of color, creating cross-school networks where necessary.
- Invest in mentorship and career ladders for current and aspiring teachers and school and district leaders. See: Thanks to NYC Men Teach, “I can clearly see longevity in the career.”
- Create support networks for educators of color that provide mentorship, camaraderie, and professional development opportunities.
- Diversify formal and informal leadership opportunities, including but not limited to district advisory committees, opportunities to teach advanced courses, and opportunities to mentor new teachers.
Indicators to Track
- Retention rates for educators of color.
- Promotion rates for educators of color.
- Improvement and high levels of satisfaction on staff experience surveys.
This playbook draws on resources included in: The Education Trust, “Understanding the National Shortage of Teachers of Color,” (March 2019).
1“See Our Truth,” (New York, N.Y.: The Education Trust–New York, 2017), Available at:
4 Vivian Hunt, et al., “Diversity Matters,” (McKinsey & Company, 2015). Available at:
5 “Diversity & Inclusion in Your Workplace,” (B-Lab, 2016). Available at:
6 See, for example: Pinellas County (FL) Schools, “Bridging the Gap.” Available at:
7 Xiomara Padamsee and Becky Crowe, “Unrealized Impact: The Case for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” (Oakland, CA: Promise54, July 2017),
8 Stefanie K. Johnson, “What 11 CEOs Have Learned About Championing Diversity,” (Harvard Business Review, 8/17/2017). Available at:
9 Annette Konoske-Graf, et al., “To Attract Great Teachers, School Districts Must Improve Their Human Capital Systems,” (Washington, D.C., December 2016: Center for American Progress). Available at:
10 Cynthia (CC) DuBois and Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, “The Effect of Court-Ordered Hiring Guidelines on Teacher Composition and Student Achievement,” (NBER Working Paper No. 24111, December 2017).
11 Diana D’Amico, et al., “Where Are All the Black Teachers? Discrimination in the Teacher Labor Market,” (Harvard Educational Review, Spring 2017, Vol. 87, No. 1, pp. 26-49).
12 A list of HBCUs is available at: A list of HSIs is available at,5&SEARCH_TYPE=0.
13 Richard Ingersoll, et al. “Recruitment, Employment, Retention and the Minority Teacher Shortage,” (Education Policy Analysis Archives, Vol. 27, No. 37). Available at:
14 Ashley Griffin, “Black Teachers Are Leaving the Teaching Profession at Staggering Rates. But Why?” (September 30, 2015). Available at:
15 Regarding professional development, see, for example: Travis J. Bristol, “The Troubling Shortage of Latino and Black Teachers—And What to Do About It,” (The Washington Post, May 15, 2016 ),
16 See, for example: Padamsee and Crowe, 2017.
18Travis J. Bristol, “To Be Alone or in a Group: An Exploration into How the School-Based Experiences Differ for Black Male Teachers Across One Urban School District,” (Urban Education, March 14, 2017, pp. 1-21).
19 Travis J. Bristol and Matthew Shirrell, “Who Is Here to Help Me? The Work-Related Social Networks of Staff of Color in Two Mid-Sized Districts,” (American Educational Research Journal, October 26, 2018).
20 See, for example: Montgomery County (MD) Public Schools, “Building Our Network of Diversity (BOND) Project.” Available at:
We are grateful to the following people and organizations for their contributions to this important project:
- Elizabeth Cole, whose powerful design presents the stories of New York educators in an engaging guide for districts.
- Johnny Fogg and Matt Wittmeyer, whose images take us into classrooms and recognize some of New York’s dedicated teachers of color.
- Brendan Lowe, whose district profiles help us understand and appreciate the important work happening in school districts across New York.
- The leadership and staff of the Ithaca School District, the University of Rochester Educational Partnership at East, and West Brooklyn Academy, who graciously opened their schools to visually document their teachers in action.
- Those who have graciously reviewed this document and offered feedback, including leading New York school superintendents and TNTP.
This playbook draws on resources included in: The Education Trust, “Understanding the National Shortage of Teachers of Color,” (March 2019).
1“See Our Truth,” (New York, N.Y.: The Education Trust–New York, 2017), Available at:
4 Vivian Hunt, et al., “Diversity Matters,” (McKinsey & Company, 2015). Available at:
5 “Diversity & Inclusion in Your Workplace,” (B-Lab, 2016). Available at:
6 See, for example: Pinellas County (FL) Schools, “Bridging the Gap.” Available at:
7 Xiomara Padamsee and Becky Crowe, “Unrealized Impact: The Case for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” (Oakland, CA: Promise54, July 2017),
8 Stefanie K. Johnson, “What 11 CEOs Have Learned About Championing Diversity,” (Harvard Business Review, 8/17/2017). Available at:
9 Annette Konoske-Graf, et al., “To Attract Great Teachers, School Districts Must Improve Their Human Capital Systems,” (Washington, D.C., December 2016: Center for American Progress). Available at:
10 Cynthia (CC) DuBois and Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, “The Effect of Court-Ordered Hiring Guidelines on Teacher Composition and Student Achievement,” (NBER Working Paper No. 24111, December 2017).
11 Diana D’Amico, et al., “Where Are All the Black Teachers? Discrimination in the Teacher Labor Market,” (Harvard Educational Review, Spring 2017, Vol. 87, No. 1, pp. 26-49).
12 A list of HBCUs is available at: A list of HSIs is available at,5&SEARCH_TYPE=0.
13 Richard Ingersoll, et al. “Recruitment, Employment, Retention and the Minority Teacher Shortage,” (Education Policy Analysis Archives, Vol. 27, No. 37). Available at:
14 Ashley Griffin, “Black Teachers Are Leaving the Teaching Profession at Staggering Rates. But Why?” (September 30, 2015). Available at:
15 Regarding professional development, see, for example: Travis J. Bristol, “The Troubling Shortage of Latino and Black Teachers—And What to Do About It,” (The Washington Post, May 15, 2016 ),
16 See, for example: Padamsee and Crowe, 2017.
18Travis J. Bristol, “To Be Alone or in a Group: An Exploration into How the School-Based Experiences Differ for Black Male Teachers Across One Urban School District,” (Urban Education, March 14, 2017, pp. 1-21).
19 Travis J. Bristol and Matthew Shirrell, “Who Is Here to Help Me? The Work-Related Social Networks of Staff of Color in Two Mid-Sized Districts,” (American Educational Research Journal, October 26, 2018).
20 See, for example: Montgomery County (MD) Public Schools, “Building Our Network of Diversity (BOND) Project.” Available at:
We are grateful to the following people and organizations for their contributions to this important project:
- Elizabeth Cole, whose powerful design presents the stories of New York educators in an engaging guide for districts.
- Johnny Fogg and Matt Wittmeyer, whose images take us into classrooms and recognize some of New York’s dedicated teachers of color.
- Brendan Lowe, whose district profiles help us understand and appreciate the important work happening in school districts across New York.
- The leadership and staff of the Ithaca School District, the University of Rochester Educational Partnership at East, and West Brooklyn Academy, who graciously opened their schools to visually document their teachers in action.
- Those who have graciously reviewed this document and offered feedback, including leading New York school superintendents and TNTP.